Grey Loerie

Posted on Sun March 24, 2019.

The grey go-away-bird, also known as grey lourie, grey loerie, or kwêvoël, is a bold and common bird of the southern Afrotropics. They are present in arid to moist, open woodlands and thorn savanna, especially near surface water.

The Grey Loerie bird (Corythaixoides concolor) is a South African bird which ranges from the tropical west and Central Africa.

It is a common resident to Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, northern Botswana, western Mozambique and northern South Africa.

The Grey Loerie bird is a medium sized bird that is also known as the ‘Go Away Bird’ or in Afrikaans, ‘kwêvoël’.

The population count of these remarkable birds is not known, however, they are frequently observed in pairs or in small groups of 3 – 20 individuals.

Fourways Accommodation